Saturday, 26 April 2014

Back from the dead...

...or very nearly so, anyway. Once again I return after a lengthy absence, resolved to try and make the blogging more consistent from now on. So now the digital art and the cartooning has taken a back seat while I embrace the humble pencil once more. Just recently I've been doing a lot of doodling, mostly on spare scraps of paper in idle moments, and the results have been finding their way on to Facebook, where they've met with some fairly positive responses. I'm now looking at options for displaying my old and new pictures online, and have come up with several options:
  1. Produce a Facebook page specifically for my art. I've started one but am already confused by the options. Should this be an "artist page" or a "business page"? Why don't they give you an option to just make a "page"?  Anyway, the page is at:!/siscreativestuff
  2. Build a website. I've started building one on Wordpress, having had prior experience while volunteering for the church in Leeds, but am hitting an obstacle in the form of the "gallery widget", which has serious issues displaying images on some browsers. Which won't do at all. The site, still in its' under-construction state is located at:
  3.  Flickr. I've started a new photostream and uploaded a lot of pictures onto it, only to discover that there is no (obvious) way to customise the order in which the pictures are displayed. At present all the newest images are on page 5.  The photostream is located (I think!) at:
  4. Just continue with this blog.
Okay, I've just found out how to change the "date uploaded" of pictures in Flickr.  Unfortunately, it can only be done one picture at a time, so this could take a while...