Thursday, 24 September 2015

Update on space picture

The 3D/2D space picture is taking too long to complete.  I make things way too complicated and quite often end up abandoning or postponing a picture because I lose interest before it's finished.
The issue I'm having with importing images into Bryce is that a faint outline is created around the image that makes it look amateurish.  My second tortoise picture suffers from that problem.
The current issue with the space picture is that I don't like using other people's models - both the planet and the spaceship are third party models - unless  they're official royalty-free models like the ones available from DAZ productions.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Combining 2D and 3D

I have done several pictures over the past few years combining 2D drawings with 3D objects.  Two of them have involved drawing characters, scanning them and then importing the drawings into Bryce to give the appearance of a toon character against a realistic backdrop.  Another two have involved putting a 2D character into a frame with 3D-shaded objects.  The results have been variable.  The Bryce imports do not work so well as the shading of the 2D characters is flat, where it really needs to have shadows and highlights (in Roger Rabbit rather than Cool World style).  Over the weekend I got my Wacom tablet out of storage, having decided to have another go with it.  I have never really got on with the tablet as it feels hard to control compared to the smoother process of drawing on paper.  (There are probably much better tablets out there but I have always been unwilling to take a leap into a higher price bracket until I've had a go with the product first.)

At present I am working on a picture that illustrates the Bible verse "if I ascend into Heaven You are there".  The picture is of my armadillo character looking down on the Earth from space while tethered to a space shuttle.  I used my tablet to give the armadillo a bit of shading, and the results are (so far) promising.  I have imported the character into Bryce and am in the process of adding Planet Earth and the space shuttle into the frame.

The high water mark for this sort of thing is the work of Jay Piscopo, a very talented artist (and really nice guy) who posted a series of pictures on Renderosity a while ago.  He had set up pictures using Poser figures imported into Bryce with props and scenery of his own making, and had then drawn over the Poser figures using Flash to produce a style of picture reminiscent of Hanna Barbera cartoons.  He made the combination of 2D and 3D work very well.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Last post about the tortoise

My tortoise model is finished at last!  The shell was particularly fiddly to texture, but now it's done, so he looks properly clothed.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Over the last few years I have found a number of different places to share my pictures with folks on the internet, and it has come to my attention recently that I may be spreading myself a little bit thin.  I have recently taken stock of the sites and galleries that I have posted pictures on, and they include:
With Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter it is as easy as posting on Instagram and then ticking the boxes to also post on Tumblr and Twitter.  The complication is that I've got Twitter set up to share my posts on Facebook, but because I now have a Facebook page for my pictures, I don't want to post the same pics on there via Instagram.

Over the Summer I did a lot of drawing, having progressed from mainly figurative work to doing pictures of buildings.  The 3D work has fallen by the wayside, as has the writing, although now that the new term's started I'm going to have to pick up the story again or face a lot of very boring train journeys.