I've just had two prints of my "building portraits" delivered and have stuck them in IKEA frames and put them on the wall. One of them looks fine, the other one looks rubbish. In the case of the latter the print is good quality but somehow it's getting lost inside the frame, which is particularly galling as it is one of my better pictures and looked fine on my computer. It just doesn't benefit from having a thick black frame enclosing it.
My limitations as an artist: I love the act of drawing pictures but don't enjoy the design aspect. Turning a pretty picture into a physical object that can be hung on a wall is particularly tiresome: getting prints done, working out the size a picture needs to be to fit in the frame, deciding on the colour and thickness of the frame - these are all tasks that I'd like to hire someone else to do. I'm currently trying (not for the first time) to pull my finger out and get some business cards done, although that is proving just as fiddly as the framed prints. Moo.com allows you to put one design on the front of a card and then up to 50 different images on the back. Naturally none of my existing images fit the dimensions of a Moo business card.