Sunday 26 March 2006


Got a copy of Shade LE version 7 off a cover disc with a magazine this month. I'm always on the lookout for modelling packages with a nice, easy interface - there are a load of modelling programs on my computer now, many of which I've tried, and just given up on because you have to press a combination of keys on your keyboard, rotate your mouse precisely 180 degrees, touch the tip of your nose with the big toe on your left foot and perform the secret handshake before you can extrude a face. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but as a guy with a full-time job, I really don't have the time for a huge learning curve before being able to do any modelling.
However, Shade, so far, seems pretty blinking simple, and it "seamlessly interfaces with Poser" - I have yet to explore that aspect of it, but if it enables me to make props, import them into Poser and toon-ify them without any complication, then brilliant.
Have decided to aim for producing one image per week to post on the Animotions site.

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