Monday 4 July 2016

Breathing Life

I have purchased Anime Studio Debut as it was on sale (40% off) last week, and because 2d animation is something I've been wanting to try for a while now.  Having been bitten by the animation bug, I also had a go at using Poser's built-in animation tools last night.  I decided to start with something easy, so tried giving movement to my robot character.   It was a lot of fun.

This naturally led me to take a look at some of my other Poser characters, of which there are quite a few littering my hard drive.  My rigging skills are still very poor, and a lot of my models are incapable of being animated as things just don't move correctly.  This doesn't stop me from periodically trying again to rig the blasted things.

Animation is, however, the latest digression from the previous digression from the digression before that.  I've got into that rut again, of starting a lot of things without finishing them.  I tend to pursue something - story writing, cartoons, drawing, digital art - until I'm sick of it and then I divert into another mode of creative expression.  Now the unfinished cartoons, drawings, models etc. are starting to pile up.

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